(additional pages with more detailed information can be attached)
Desired Scope of Certification: Pls include the following information below that must be reflected in your company’s desired scope of Certification:
Main operational processes/nature of business/scope for these products/services:It is essential that the certification scope (to be included on the certificate of certification) be drafted by the organization and stated clearly, prior to applying for certification.
Any exclusions in the scope
Do any of your processes and activities include any key hazards and associated OHS risks and are there any main hazardous materials used in the processes
Are there any legal obligations or OHS Legislation or other regulatory context that ICCASA needs to take into consideration
Are there any onsite safety conditions to be adhered to e.g. PPE, screening, identification, etc.
Please list any statutory and regulatory requirements to your product(s)/service(s):
Please provide a list of the main functions within your organisation (e.g.: design, production, management, sales)
Do you have any outsourced processes:
List of Departments within your organization (e.g. HR, Finance, Purchasing, Production, etc.)
Shift times (if applicable):Do shifts perform different activities:Note: If shifts carry out different activities then the different shifts must be included in the audit plan.
Seasonal activities and impact on operations:
Language preferenceNote: Interpreter requirements will be for your arrangement, should English not be preferred
Does your company participate in any other Certification Schemes, please list these
Do you currently have any other management systems certified by any other Certification Body? If yes, please provide the CB’s details and the management system you are certified against
Is the management system you are now seeking certification for, currently certified by another certification body for the same standard? * If so, by whom?
* Please provide reasons for wanting to transfer your certification, if above is applicable.
What is the maturity level of your current implemented management system(s)
* Is the last audit report available and have the nonconformances/findings in the report been successfully addressed and implemented through corrective actions
*(applies to transfer of certification)
Has consultancy relating to the management system to be certified been provided to you and if so, by whom?
Do you foresee any potential risks to impartiality in respect of this certification application
Please provide an organisation chart with a breakdown of numbers for each function or complete the table shown below. This information is required for the purposes of calculating the number of days required to carry out the audit. The time allocated for the performance of all audits is in accordance with the latest guidelines provided by the International Accreditation Forum
Addresses of main site and other site(s) or branches where services are rendered that are applicable to this application.(If there is not enough space attach additional sheets):
MAIN SITE/HEAD OFFICE (required for determining on-site audit duration)
OTHER BRANCHES/OFFICES (MULTISITES) (required for determining on-site audit duration for a multisite)
(More additional sites can be added on a separate sheet submitted together with your application)
Upload supporting documents:
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Your Privacy
ICCASA will respect stakeholder privacy at all times. When processing your application, we collect personal information about you for the primary purpose of providing you with a high level of customer service. We may also use this information to inform you of other related products and services available from ICCASA and to contact you in relation to these products and services. As we value your privacy, we do not make your personal information available to other organisations without your explicit consent. Please direct privacy related enquiries by e-mail to: certification@iccasa.co.za.