Your Strategic Partner for Industry Excellence

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About Us

Your Strategic Partner for Industry Excellence

The Industry Compliance and Certification Authority of South Africa (ICCASA) is a SANAS accredited Certification Body  for Quality Management Systems (QMS), No. C100a, Environmental Management Systems (EMS), No. C100b and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OH&SMS), No. C100c.

We are committed to assisting South African industries to gain valuable and credible management system certification in order to remain competitive, productive and have business processes that comply with and are aligned to both nationally and internationally-accepted standards and global best practices.

ICCASA is a strategic partner with industry and engages with South African industries through collaborative skills capacitation initiatives to enhance industry knowledge and skills development.

ICCASA Certification Marks - ISO 9001 - ISO 14001 - ISO45001

Our Vision

To be the leading certification body for accredited management system certification and the preferred industry choice for skills capacitation and knowledge transfer in management system standards implementation and internal auditing training.

Business Principles

Our Mission

iccasa portait logo

Accredited Industry Certification

ICCASA provides independent third party auditing and certification of your organization’s management system. Certification activities are conducted in strict accordance with the international standard, ISO/IEC 17021 (Conformity Assessment- Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems).

ICCASA offers management system certification to South African industries for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, SAN 1395, ISO 45001, SANS 1734, ISO 37001, SANS 1393 and SANS 10406. ICCASA is a SANAS Accredited Certifier for Quality Management Systems (QMS), No. C100a, Environmental Management Systems (EMS), No. C100b and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OH&SMS), No. C100c

Industry Compliance Audits

ICCASA provides management system auditing services for industry compliance. Compliance audits are focused on compliance and conformance but are also performance based, adding value for continual improvement. 

ICCASA offer you compliance audits through comprehensive reviews that focus on an organization’s commitment to specific regulatory and legal requirements such as Occupational Health and Safety legal compliance audits and Environmental legal compliance audits.

ICCASA also conducts second party external auditing services such as supplier/contractor audits, performed on behalf of an organization on its suppliers/contractors. One of the best ways to meet your monitoring obligations under OHS legislation, is to have an effective contractor management system in place. ICCASA uses skilled Auditors that are certified by SAATCA (a SANAS-accredited ISO 17024 Certification Body for Persons) to perform management system audits

Industry Skills Capacitation

ICCASA supports and facilitates South Africa’s strategic imperatives as reflected in the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) and essentially focuses on the core mandate which seeks to address the challenges related to the persistent skills deficits and mismatches, specifically in critical sectors of the productive economy which continue to hamper industrial and technological development.

ICCASA undertakes through addressing the urgent need for demand-led skills interventions in these sectors by supporting and enabling industry in better demand-side planning; by strategically partnering with industry through joint collaborative initiatives that focuses on skills development training for industry capacitation.

Social and Community Upliftment

ICCASA is committed to social upliftment and community engagement and we aim to conduct meaningful business practices through supporting initiatives that benefit society and improve the quality of life in the very communities in which we live and work.

ICCASA aims to alleviate the impact of poverty and unemployment in our communities through donations and partnerships with national and local charity organizations which includes financial assistance and support for feeding schemes, orphanages and education.